Sabtu, 13 November 2010

How To Get Free Domain Name

        If we talk about the website there are 2 main components, namely domain name and hosting. The domain name may diperumpamakan as your home address, and hosting is your home. Of course, domain names are very important, without it then others will not be able to find you (unless they are typing its IP address directly).
The domain name is also the unique identity of yourself or your business on the Internet. Because there can be no two the same domain name, then every Internet user will be able to find your website on the internet. A good domain name will allow Internet users to know who you are or what your business.Example etc. Of course you can easily find out about what this website.
The domain name may be a sub from another example, / yourname, or Very much a community-based portal site which provides sub-domain name on their site.
There is a free domain name that does not exist. For domain names. Com,. Net,. Biz, etc., where you become the main domain name, such as,, or, then you must pay some money to an Internet Domain Provider (Registrar). The amount depends on the root domain, for. Com,. Net 80ribu range.
But here I will explain how to get free domain names. First is to register on community sites such as,, or and Communities that you wear should be in accordance with the contents of your domain, for example, you want to set up your profile, then select social sites like is, or If you want to create a blog, the list is on blog sites such as and
The second way is to register at By registering at, then you will get a more professional domain name, ie, looks like a domain. com or. net is not it? How to register your domain name is easy,
  1. Visit the site, then enter your desired domain name in the input domain name, then click Check Availibility. If the domain name is still available, it will display the button Continue to registration. Note for multiple domain names are not available for free.
  2. The next step is to enter your login data, if you have never signed up you can click the link to Create an account now, then enter your data.
  3. In this step you already have a domain name.
As we said earlier, is hosting the second component. You really still think of ways to get hosting. As with free domain name then, too There is free hosting.But the drawback is that access is slow, then sometimes the ads will appear from the hosting provider. In addition, the facilities we can show on our website is very limited, and the edges if you want to develop your site, you must pay some money to this free hosting provider.
Similarly with domain, this domain will remain free as long as you still access your account at So diligent, industrious is logged into, for your domain name is not deleted.
Regardless of whether or not free, we recommend to use the domain and free hosting wisely. For the needs of trial and error and learning, we can use a domain and hosting for free, but if we want a professional then the domain and paid hosting is the right choice.

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